Нарезанное тонкими пластами сочное мясо курицы гриль на свежевыпеченной румяной турецкой лепешке с кунжутом в сочетании со свежими помидорами и листьями салата
10.9 Br435 g
Картофель фри большой
5.3 Br150 g
Сочная курочка в нежной панировке (9 шт.)
9.9 Br150 g
3.9 Br100 g
Дурум Говядина большой
Говядина-гриль со свежими овощами и соусом по фирменному рецепту, завернутая в тонкий бездрожжевой лаваш
12.9 Br460 g
Дурум Курица большой
Ароматное куриное мясо гриль со свежими овощами и соусом по фирменному рецепту, завернутое в тонкий бездрожжевой лаваш
11.8 Br460 g
Дурум Курица классик
Ароматное куриное мясо гриль со свежими овощами и соусом по фирменному рецепту, завернутое в тонкий бездрожжевой лаваш
9.8 Br380 g
Дурум Четыре сыра
Курица с вертела, свежий огурец, пекинская капуста, сыр Чеддер, сыр Пармезан, сыр сливочный, сыр Фета, сырный соус
11.9 Br380 g
Мега чикен донер
Курица, свежеиспечённый лаваш, золотистый картофель, хрустящий маринованный огурчик и сочетание двух соусов: фирменного и чесночного
The last time we bought shawarma at MC Doner on Sovetskaya Street (the point is already closed), the girls cooked delicious food there. And after a long time, we decided to try to buy at other MC Doner outlets, in particular at Trinity shopping Center and Old City shopping center. The number of attempts to eat a normal shawarma was 3 times, this is kapets, the first time we were given not our order and a completely different shawarma with mushrooms I hate. We couldn't see it right away because we always take it with us. Well, okay, we got mixed up in the heat, we decided that next time we'd have better luck, but no, once we just ate onions in lavash (coarsely chopped) it feels like the rest was just a minimal amount without meat, and the second time the trouble was a solid large onion, but the meat was with large veins in need, the rest of the ingredients were difficult to feel because of the large amount of onions. I'm really sorry that the wonderful shawarma from MC Doner has gone so bad, I won't take it anymore, I can eat onions at home.
Greetings, today I came in and took a set for the promotion I want-I can https://www.mcdoner.by/news/fullstory/66d59ca8245294d126ef354d
The nuggets are warm and delicious, ketchup is like ketchup, but the most interesting thing is a small kebster, it did not meet my expectations and more than that, there is a photo in the booklet (menu), in fact a flatbread (pancake) in the interior of a tomato ass, a drop (literally) of chicken meat and a ointment. Complete bullshit, I would never have bought this set for 13.1, in fact it turns out I bought nuggets with ketchup and pancake for 5.8
Therefore, 1 star in your karma, you need to be honest, and not cheat. You conduct actions and conduct them shamefully, and so it's bullshit and a lure.
To be honest, I'm sorry for the money spent. Tough, not tasty chicken. Instead of garlic, they put turmeric sauce. 70% is very salty cabbage of different types, tomatoes are cut into huge pieces, it is not pleasant to eat. The potatoes are overcooked, so they are well fried, unlike the cook who cooked it. The shokokebster is actually a thin layer of something smeared on the pita bread, also burned. According to the quality of the twist, I can wish the shawarmist to tear off his hands and sew them back to his shoulders. It leaked like a juvenile at the entrance. A piece of dried lavash aspired to the sky, it almost turned out "your lavash will drill through the heavens, Simon." Drinks are sweet urine with color. If there was an opportunity, I wouldn't even give 1 star