It's a great store, although the prices are slightly higher than in other vapeshops nearby, but the quality of the liquid is much higher. Separately, I would like to express my gratitude to the seller Veronica. She will always prompt and recommend, answers any questions, is very friendly and smiling.
I would like to express my gratitude to your employee, name is Arina, red hair :) for her approach to the client and the choice of liquids, as if a person knows his business, is always happy with the choice when the girl advises. I also like that I am always friendly and responsive to the client!) I would like to give her a bonus and have more such employees! I became your guest)
even before I stopped soaring, I came to the girl who worked today on September 15, at this point, a very nice and knowledgeable employee. Now I'm not soaring anymore, but I'm ready to go to you just for the sake of seeing this beautiful girl :)
p.s. alas, I didn't remember the name :(