Yes, the guys will help you pick up everything quickly, arrange it, even online, but what to pick up???! And if you are also an investor! - Complete nonsense, which you will not be able to sell later, is pushed by an absolute illiquid, new buildings that push everything, no uniqueness, no sensible analytics, some promising videos on YouTube and promises, in fact - empty chatter, the so-called "guru" Anton Moskalev. On the secondary - this is generally some kind of nonsense, there are practically no objects of their own, they turn to other agencies where normal bases on the secondary and vtyuhivayut these objects even more expensive, plus their commission on top! There is no mortgage! The staff turnover is crazy, several brokers may change before the transaction, which indicates that the company is not well-being and has a dubious reputation. Moreover, the company has been on the market for only a year! What kind of experience can we talk about?! Faced with this sharashka and very sorry! Be careful!
The guys helped with the selection of real estate, registration of all necessary documents and fully conducted the transaction online. Special thanks to the head Anton Moskalev and Evgeny Egorov, who was constantly in touch on all issues related to paperwork and purchase.