Gb Consult
ave. Abaya, 117, Almaty
office 506, floor 5
Adi's Manager
Interaction with companies since 06/3/2024
I applied to this company to register an LLP in Almaty.
According to the manager, "Come, we will do it, there will be no problems"
If everything were like that(((
I flew in and paid for everything and lost time and money with this company.
How was it:
1. We agreed with the manager on the terms and necessary actions by phone and WhatsApp
2. Arrived in Almaty (paid for accommodation, etc.), came to their office
3. I paid for their services, rent a legal entity, a notary...
4. We collected all the necessary documents
5. It has begun - The Tax service does not accept documents
6. "Manager Abai, what are we going to do?", the answer was normal at first, "I'll find out what problems there are"
7. The manager found out that it is necessary to issue a "migrant business RVP". To the question "how to do it?" He replied "Finds out, etc."
8. The manager still finds out (((((.
I found out something, I found someone, but they didn't do anything to me.
Result: cooperation with this company
1. Spent
- tickets Moscow- Almaty and back
- payment for the hotel and accommodation for 5 days
- payment for the services of this company. They threatened to return this payment))) NOT RETURNED
- payment for notary services
- payment of rent for a legal entity
- payment for the services of an additional company that the manager found
THE RESULT OF THE RESULTS: I spent a lot of time and effort, the whole mutation with this company lasted 2 months, but nothing was done to me.
And you can see how a conscientious client was added to the blacklist.
By comparison, I applied to another company in Astana, everything was done in less than 5 days.
I can send you all the correspondence and everything that was written to me from this company.
Good afternoon.
The result of the results:
on 11/21/2024, a representative of the company, Gauhar Abildaevna (head), contacted me.
We discussed what happened.
We found out that an employee of the company took on an unbearable burden and did not timely warn the management and me about the problems that he could not solve on his own.
The funds spent on the company's services were refunded to me.
Gauhar Abildaevna, thank you for your help in solving the issue.
Simbios Production has been working with you for more than 2 years. All these years, we have not known any problems with the preparation and submission of reports and other accounting tricks.
We highly appreciate the professionalism and goodwill of your employees, and we hope for long-term cooperation.