Types of household appliances:gas ovens, electric ovens, refrigerators, vacuum cleaner, washing machines, heaters, dishwasher, steam generators for ironing, steamers, coffee machines, ovens, cooktops, gas-electric cookers
Wheelchair accessible:Available
Petfriendly:allowed with all animals
Payment method:discount system, prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, installment, cashless payment, online, QR code, payment by credit card, making a loan, contactless payment
I was there the year before last. The goods were of good quality and the prices were comparable. There are also household appliances and electronics from local brands.
Previously, a cashback was organized under the Mediapark program, but it was canceled after a while. A lot of people's money has been burned, including mine. Is that the right thing to do?