Flight Warsaw Mogilev.We took tickets for this carrier through the aggregator Infobus.It is IMPOSSIBLE to find the address or contacts of the carrier, as well as any other information to get flight information, there are simply no contacts anywhere.What the Internet gives out turns out to be a fiction.I checked the platform, arrival time and bus number with the aggregator, and I received all this after a while.We came to Peron, the time has come - there is no bus (at the same time there were no queues of buses at all at the border).I called the aggregator, wait for the answer, and for some reason they answered in Ukrainian......The bus came, the state number is the one that the aggregator called, but the color is blue instead of white.We tried to get on, but they wouldn't let us in, saying that the bus wouldn't go to Mogilev, but would only go to Minsk.Although the bus had the name of the flight Szczecin -Mogilev.They said to wait for the next one, maybe he will go to Mogilev.Moreover, it felt like 2 drivers and the girl who put them on the bus were warily carrying some nonsense and no specifics.More calls to the aggregator and again the answer, wait as long as you can and get on the next bus.After 2 hours, the next bus arrived, without any identification marks.The condition of the bus is a wreck.According to the glasses, the date of manufacture of the bus from 1973 to 1981 is different everywhere.How this product drove at all is a mystery.There were a lot of numerical damage on the outside, inside - nothing worked at all, including the chairs, not in working condition.This flight was not listed anywhere in the schedule.12 people were put on the bus and we went.The bus was going the same way it looked, more like it was jumping.I won't describe how we got there, but we did.Besides us, 10 people got off in Minsk and we drove to Mogilev only together.I strongly do not recommend contacting this carrier.I got the impression that he was some kind of underground