Luxury bags, very good quality and at the same time the price tag does not bite, especially if they have any discounts, when paying with the application, Pay an additional 5%
I REALLY like it! I bought a men's bag 8 YEARS AGO - great leather!!!! And now it looks like new both inside and out, almost daily use. Great product!!! I am glad that they are doing something very, very high-quality in Belarus!!! After 8 years, the zipper locks (dogs) began to give up, sometimes the zippers diverge when fastened. The locks are still working, but this does not cause any questions, because it has been EIGHT YEARS!!!! Thank you for the quality, I really hope that all your products are the same.
I have been using two things since 2014. Things are expensive. But you understand the quality after a while. A really high-quality thing. Really made of genuine leather.