I was there a couple of days ago, and I got this impression
1-kitchen (pizza tastes worse than the one bought from the store, I was surprised that the chefs managed to spoil even the margarita, about khachapuri as well, how could such cheese be added to the dish)
2-the staff answered the calls late and the food was already cold by the time it reached the table
3-that's why I decided to write a review, today I decided to look at the bill, and realized that I was shortchanged for an hour in an institution, this is the most unpleasant thing I can't put
up with (One star for a good coffee)
Естественно, нам,как туристам дали самую неудобную комнату с грязным диваном. И неужели вы думаете что сырой картофель с 5 граммами ветчины стоит 2500др? Мою претензию, естественно не передали повару и руководству, так как такое отношение к туристам считается нормальным