The huge archive of the Republic.
There are some special features here.
Rules 1. If you do not have a cover letter, then you are not here.
Rules 2. Check carefully, you will have to say goodbye to the phone for a while
The reading room is very small, it is impossible to move. If you managed to arrive early in the morning, then luck is on your side.
The working hours for researchers are from 10 to 17:00. It would be great, from 9 to 18, because the organization does not work on Saturday
I have not personally visited the archive.
However, the archive site is very inconvenient.
There is a version in Russian, but nothing opens.
There is no way to view funds and inventories.
I'm really disappointed. This is the national Archives, not a small office. The importance of the information stored there and the insignificant space that was allocated for them speaks volumes.