Everything works fine for them, I corresponded for the training course for the study, the study was useful, I immediately passed the exam. I'm very glad.
Hello, I liked the center.The receptionists are very polite and helpful.Thanks to the Russian girl, I do not remember her name for the advice in the preparation of the express course, thanks to these courses I passed all my exams today.Prosperity to your work.Now I can safely drive a car on the roads.Now my wife will study these courses and definitely take exams.I advise everyone.Thanks again to the company for such employees.
Savollar murakkab
Toʻlov puli ham qimmat birinchi marta uchun 500 ming soʻm, oʻta olmasa qolganlari 600 ming soʻm
Bu summa oʻta qimmat . Eng kam ish haqini hisoblasa ham Hohlaganini hisobga olsa ham qimmat .Shaxsan men 4 500 000 soʻmga B va C toifaga oʻqiganman endi shuni 9 DAN birini toʻlab imtihonga kirishim kerak gʻalati toʻgʻrimi