Говяжьи щеки в соусе Демиглас, подаются с картофельным пюре, обжаренными вешенками, цукини, сладким перцем, мини-морковью и луком, ростками гороха
24.5 Br470 g
Котлеты по-киевски
Котлеты из куриного филе с начинкой из сливочного масла с укропом, жаренные в хрустящей панировке, подаются с картофельным пюре, толченым зеленым горошком со сливками и клюквенным соусом
19.1 Br445 g
Лимонный цыпленок
Жареная куриная грудка, подается с обжаренными шампиньонами, стручковой фасолью, картофелем и томатами черри, сыром Джюгас
19.1 Br345 g
Сырники с ягодным соусом
Жареные сырники, подаются с ягодным соусом и сметаной
10.3 Br230 g
Картофельные драники, укроп
9.9 Br220 g
Драники с грибами
Драники с шампиньонами, вешенками и боровиками, тимьяном, луком и чесноком, со сливочным соусом и соусом Демиглас
16.5 Br370 g
Жареная моцарелла со сладко-острым соусом
Жареная Моцарелла в хрустящей панировке, подается со сладко-острым соусом
12.1 Br170 g
Борщ с ребрышком
Борщ на мясном бульоне со свиным ребрышком, подается со сметаной
11.8 Br380 g
Домашняя солянка
Мясная солянка на мясном бульоне с ветчиной, сосисками, салями и копченой говядиной, картофелем, луком, маринованными огурцами, маслинами, подается со сметаной
11.8 Br320 g
Холодник, приготовленный на кефире со сметаной, яйцом, свежими о гурцами и зеленью
Excellent, always super tasty, affordable prices
I love this restaurant chain. It was thought up and perfectly executed, for people with average and even below average incomes.
You can also celebrate some kind of holiday, as the decoration of the establishment is always on top and just eat every day.
Top favorite dishes:
Burger with chicken
DRANIKI (since the restaurant specializes in Belarusian cuisine and potatoes)
They are located on the third floor of the shopping center. The restaurant itself is two-storied. There are many places with panoramic views of the square and the stadium.
No questions about the food. Delicious and satisfying.
I was upset by the neglectful attitude of the staff. An intern met me at the entrance and told me that you can go to the top floor and have a seat there. A girl met me from above and said that all the seats were occupied, although the tables were empty without reservation plates. We walked around the room and found more than 10 tables available. When I asked again what kind of tables they were, they said that we could sit down at any free table. What if I hadn't gone to watch? I understand that cornflowers have long been known among the people, locals go there and recommend them to tourists, but such situations are unpleasant.
A large selection of dishes, including national ones. The price-quality ratio is at the highest level! Well done! We visited Cornflowers in Minsk, Vitebsk, Mogilev and everywhere the quality of service, cooking is the same. There was a single case, out of seven, in Minsk, with diluted shots of tinctures, it was March 8, it seems 2017, but everything was compensated by the cheerful mood that the waiter guy provided us. I recommend it to everyone.