Высота: 30 см
Материал: полимергранит
Цвет Чёрный/Бронза/Серебро/Золото/Гранит
Сливное отверстие есть во всех вазах из полимергранита
Каталог ваз и лампад на могилу у нас на сайте granit-hall.by
95 Br1 pcs.
Ваза на могилу
Высота: 28 см
Материал: полимергранит
Цве т Чёрный/Бронза/Серебро/Золото/Гранит
Сливное отверстие есть во всех вазах из полимергранита.
Каталог ваз и лампад на могилу у нас на сайте granit-hall.by.
95 Br1 pcs.
Лампада на кладбище
Высота: 28.5 см
Ширина: 14.5 см
Материал: гранит+стекло с дверцей
Производитель: Польша
Цвет рамки Бронза/Серебро/Золото Цвет гранита : Габбро/Блю-Перл/БалтикГрин/БалтикРэд/Аврора/КуруГрэй/МраморКоелга
Крест : Католический/Православный
I applied to Granite Hall in August 2024.
The burial of 4 people, I wanted to make it more budget-friendly, but to look decent.
Before that, I applied to other companies and, of course, the price tag was set to the maximum without even listening to the wishes. Administrator Victoria, to whom I would like to express my deep gratitude, behaved very professionally. I listened to the preferences, wishes, assessed the situation in which the burial itself is located and the budget I was counting on. She gave us advice and made more than one suggestion, which we were very satisfied with.
The installation took place in November. The guys fulfilled all the conditions, and upon arrival I found that the medallions were a little dim.
Pointing this out, the guys immediately said they would redo them and reinstall them closer to spring because they might not hold on due to the cold and would come unstuck. For that, THANK them VERY MUCH. These people don't work for quantity, they work for quality to keep their customers satisfied. I wish you success in your work. I will definitely make a fence at Granite Hall.
I recommend.
We turned here when we needed a monument for our grandmother. They suggested a choice, explained everything without too much water. The result is beyond praise, thanks for the approach.