There is free and paid parking at the entrance, entrance to the park area is free, you can just walk, you can rent bicycles, there is a Playground. The entrance to the castle is also free, you can take beautiful photos, consider the facade of the courtyard. Only museum visits, exhibitions and excursions are paid. The castle itself is beautiful, restored, looks atmospheric, the architecture is fascinating.
A beautiful castle that is definitely worth a visit. I advise you not to take a full visit to the museum. Take only 3 main halls. Additional halls are very steep ascents and descents that not everyone can handle)
It's worth a visit. It is better in terms of comfort than in the World. It loses a little in terms of exposure.
I liked it more here in Nesvizh on the whole
A great place for history lovers, a beautiful place, I visited it about 5 years ago, the impressions are still warm and gentle, I will be happy to go again if possible
In my opinion, all these crafts in the Gromyko Park are low—art hack work. It causes a feeling of "Spanish shame" — a cringe in front of the guests of the city...
Nesvizh Castle, aka Razdvilov Castle
Must-visit, excellent museum
Although the exterior and interior decoration are more like a palace
There is a city beach not far from the castle
The attraction is at the highest level!!! Lots of impressions from visiting the castle! Half a day is not enough. It takes all day to get acquainted with all the rooms and exhibits.
The layout is excellent, but the castle itself is not superior in beauty.So. and. be.It's better to. see. demo.display.poster.good.he showed me what a miracle it is necessary to meet after all.
We drove 300 ki to this "castle" and only on the spot realized that Yandex Navigator had specifically cheated us. Funny of course it turned out that it was just a cardboard copy to which we were driving hard)))
At least they would clarify what the copy is, otherwise we are such tourists that we did not immediately understand until we arrived
It's a good idea, but the way it looks is ridiculous. Ugly! Cheaply. They were made out of what was there, but they reported in good faith and took the money for the work with a clear conscience
Well, when they put it on for the first time a few years ago, it was unusual, after standing for several years, I was already bored and tired. Sometimes the philosophy of neat emptiness is better than piling up cardboard junk.
Cardboard pieces are certainly creative, but it looks very cheap and sad. If it had been built from small bricks, it would have been much more interesting, and it would have looked more solid.