The throne of Abylai Khan is a wonderful place.
But your dreams won't come true just like that!
There's a secret here!
Therefore, walking around this stone just like that will not help you fulfill your desires. Don't get your hopes up.
Why do you ask? It's simple - this place is very tired of all the dirt and garbage that people leave in the surrounding forests and mountains.
People defile the place in droves but demand his help.
If only you could hear the surrounding mountains and forest, how they moan. I can hear it.
The surrounding mountains, rocks, trees, and forest just scream: go away, away, tired of everything.
It is strongly felt in the air, in space. In order to receive the blessing of these places, you will have to really work.
First of all, you yourself must independently observe cleanliness, peace and harmony in these places, show love and care for these holy places.
Do not throw garbage in the mountains, do not break glass, do not draw on rocks, do not leave garbage in the forest. If you really want a blessing, then do a good deed for these holy places yourself - remove garbage, glass, bags.
It doesn't matter that this garbage is someone else's, it only matters how much you yourself are a person capable of doing a good deed and caring, maintaining harmony with nature.
Only when you begin to sincerely show love for these Kokshetau mountains, stones, forest, take care of the purity of these mountains and forests, springs, only then will you receive a blessing, only then will you receive help from the holy places.
Those who just walk around the stone without cleaning the surrounding mountains, without showing love and care, at best, will not receive anything in return.
If you have the strength to take care of these holy places, if you do not have the physical strength, if you are unable to take care of these places, then at least do not harm these places, just pray for the well-being of these mountains, forests, stones, lakes and springs. It doesn't matter what language you pray in, what matters is your sincerity, your heart.
Well, those who desecrate mountains, stones, trees with their garbage, swearing, inscriptions, northern affairs, they themselves are their punishment.
I wish everyone harmony, creativity, peace with themselves and the world around them.
A large clearing at the foot of the mountains, beautiful decoration, paths, benches. The throne of Abylai Khan is a legendary place. Ice slides are installed in winter. Horseback riding, photos with golden eagles in national costumes. Beautiful views.
I don't understand what they're going to look at in the clearing. You can also go out into the woods and take a walk. And the resort area is getting crazier and crazier every step of the way, there is no alternative. And the service is still far from ideal or similar .