I will add a bad review, because the role of the administrator should be put not only by the person who can speak and write, but also who can think, conducts correspondence with clients as illogically and impulsively as possible, even agreeing on the date of the visit, after such a work experience, turned out to be an incomprehensible task for her. As soon as I put forward a polite suggestion regarding optimizing and improving the efficiency of their work in order to save a million hours of other people's time in the future, there was aggression, a ton of conflicting questions and sneers at me, and a polite refusal of further service. It is a pity that the administrator, as the face of the company, is illiterate
There are no questions about the level of service, but, unfortunately, they did not learn how to freeze oocytes in our country, one embryo turned out from 9 premium oocytes (of course, it is worth noting an excellent student, but this is not enough), and this is with excellent quality of male material...