They don't clean up the snow in the city, they don't turn on the lighting in the evening on the streets, everyone has to walk with flashlights, garbage is not taken out in the city!!! It is impossible to get through, complaints are not considered.
It is impossible to get through, so it is impossible to solve the problem😡😡😡 The city is drowning in garbage, stink, rats and, very scary, packs of stray dogs! My mother was bitten by a dog yesterday, I can't get through to the administration all day to file a complaint, as the SES forwarded on this issue! In short, a complete mess!
I will complain to Moscow. The site is not working. There are no phones. Garbage is not taken out for 3 weeks from the Red Plowman. And they write off the money. This is fraud under Article 159 of the Russian Federation. People ask, no one does anything. And they charge money for garbage collection. I am filing a complaint against the Donetsk city administration.