In the Shklov court, you defended the employees of Bolshye Sloveni CJSC and won the trial.I have a long-standing lawsuit with the director of this society, its essence is that he accuses me of undermining his authority and the Shklov District Department of Internal Affairs was engaged in this dispute on his arguments, or rather the slander was not confirmed. Now the litigation in the court of the Shklovsky district on the director's statement of claim has been dragging on for three months. The judge's decision was made in absentia, but at the prosecutor's protest it was canceled and the court proceedings resumed and have been dragging on for the fourth month. In my opinion, the plaintiff does not have an evidentiary basis for my insult, but pre-trial debates are "littered" and instead of decisions, definitions of the judge and additions of the plaintiff appear, and I, the defendant, defend myself before the court with written replies. Because I can't go to court, I'm a wheelchair user. I have not studied law and I conduct my defensive actions primitively and, most importantly, without following legal procedures and, in general, my gutters are ignored. I had to file a counterclaim, but the judge returned it by definition, which I cannot agree with. Of course, I revised the counterclaims, but I'm sure the judge will return them again for far-fetched reasons. Of course, I complained to the regional court and the prosecutor's office, they helped a little, but I'm not sure they won't get involved in my squabbles. The plaintiff, as my accusation, cited some of my appeals to the executive committees, but their text does not declare and the numbering affixed to them confirms that these are not appeals but answers to them and not to the plaintiff but to the defendant, and this is disclosure of the secret of correspondence. In my opinion, the judge has his own interest in this State Duma and therefore does not tolerate the termination of the plaintiff's claims. Can you get involved in the consideration of this case?? And if your advice is for me in this annoying litigation??