A very large and diverse selection of clothes, shoes, bags, etc. There is also furniture. With knowledge of the matter, you can find decent enough (you can tell the difference!) and not very cheap (but several times cheaper than the originals) replicas of goods from top companies. There are a lot of people! There are few cafes…
There is a huge market, a lot of choice, there is everything, at favorable prices, you can bargain, negotiate. You can hang out there forever. The brands are very high quality, the prices are reasonable.
A storehouse of palenki. Any brands are available. The prices are ridiculous, in relation to the original. It is difficult to find non-branded products here. If it's not tea, it's locally made. If you have extra money and want to buy a copy of your favorite brand, come and enjoy shopping. As in the market, do not forget about bargaining everywhere and with everyone.
The goods are of poor quality. Sellers call space prices. There's not much choice. You can find anything in the center of Ajman and not go to hell in the middle of nowhere.
A huge shopping complex. An incredibly extensive range of non-food.
Cute and naive merchants often repeat the spell "watches, glasses, bags, shoes...", offering fake brands.
We needed mannequins in our showroom and here we found them!!!
2024 at the moment I am here, yes everything is cheap there, but what disappointed me was that they did not allow women's clothes to be measured just killed. Bags are overpriced in Dubai, you can even buy a so-so center cheaper
Disappointment. We drove here for a long time to get to the flea market. There are hundreds of small shops with the same product in a large hangar. There are few high-quality items and they are branded. And consumer goods are of low quality. Nnada glasses? A nada bag? Well, then you can walk around. And in fact, we only bought a car for our son so that he wouldn't get upset.
Cool place. There are other malls nearby. Everything is there. This is some kind of Aliexpress. We bought a huge suitcase there for 70 dirhams. And so on little things. Things are very cheap. You can negotiate... need..
A large mall, like Dragon Mall.Everything is there, everything you want.you can even just go for a walk.there are many cafes and places for leisure activities