Very bad Sadik! Teachers do not know the mannerisms of communicating with parents who have not studied without education and culture. Very careless children who are not responsible often lose their clothes by changing them into a mess. "I don't know," he said. Don't mention the rest of the meloches.
How do you like ACNE? Well, I do not know how I get Acne. I'm not a child or a parent. I'm from the outside.It seems to be fine. In the morning, the children cry, they don't want to go to kindergarten. The kitchen always smells like super-cool HOMEMADE food. It's like home, it smells like home. I don't know how it tastes. By evening, the children start crying again. They are waiting for their parents, they are bored. The children are the same.
There is little room to play outside. The teachers are also not particularly interested, they are also waiting for the parents (this is in the evening).
The most important thing is that parents are calm, that the children are well-groomed, supervised.YOU CAN TRUST.