Once the largest indoor market in our city.after the fire, a pitiful sight , perhaps it will be restored Someday .He gave many people the opportunity to work and do business.
The largest and most popular market in our city today! It is very convenient, because you do not need to climb the stairs, there is an escalator)) There is a market in the central part of the city, in the busiest place, nearby there is a bus station, the Mereke market, the Alaska outerwear store, the Smokk wholesale and retail market, the Bereke canteen, etc.
On the second floor there is a cool department with blankets and pillows. Everything was picked up according to the wallet. The pillows and the bed are gorgeous of course. I am very happy with my purchases. And also very good quality bed linen. Thanks
Everything in this mall is very expensive and they treat customers arrogantly.
The first floor is an ordinary bazaar, everything is noisy
Everything is scattered
A posh market, there is anything at all. Working escalators. There is a food court on the 2nd floor, you can order something, or take ready-made dishes. From the toilet... and from the toilet I just fucked up! I went to do my business, there was no water in the tanks to wash off, but that's okay! When I washed my claws and wanted to use the dryer, a HUGE COCKROACH fell right on me!!! There was no limit to my screams...
The trading house of childhood could find a lot of things to bargain, rows with meat
And the rows where they sold the most delicious salads mmm it's a pity
There are cockroaches everywhere, even rats have been seen.Unsanitary conditions. There's meat, there's bread, there's clothes.Sellers of vegetables and fruits are arrogant, prices are inflated. On the second floor, the sellers are all attentive! I hope a cool shopping center will be built on the site of Akshyn.
The market is big, everything seems to be there, but very expensive, I don't know why renting can be expensive. Everything in this market is expensive. There are a lot of people walking around and gravely taking everything, nearby mereke there is an order of magnitude cheaper than here.
And what is it to say that our beloved Akshyn is tanned, but for the sake of memory, put a dummy akshyn and not his condition is burnt or it can also be restored
There was.... There was.... There was a huge shopping center, it's a pity, Akshyn was the center of trade in Semey, a terrible fire destroyed so much property, so many people suffered serious damage... We hope that Akshyn will become even better in the future
В торговом доме Акшын найдётся практический все, одежда на любой вкус, бутики просторные и светлые, если проголодался можно покушать в кафе, есть мороженное из кумыса. На первом этаже продукты питания, всегда свежее мясо и цены приемлемые.
После перепланировки стало неудобно искать гаджеты,электронику и смартфоны.Насували товаров для женщин,а нам мужчинам почти ничего не осталось,только что мясо да сухофрукты купить и всё,а в остальном провал.
Про другие товары не в курсе, но здесь я покупал мясо, сказали халал, тут и моя ошибка поверил на слово, нет доказывающий сертификат халала. Очень большое и уютное место, понравилось, ничего лишнего; все красиво, мне понравилось, людей не так много, или я пошел когда их было мало, но все отлично.
Внутри практически все есть от одежды до продуктов питания, мясной отдел всегда свежее мясо,есть молочные продукты, рыба копчения,фрукты овощи, специи орехи все что нужно для приготовления пищи ✌👍👍❗❗💯💯🔥🔥🔥😝😝😉👍👁👁😳
Никогда не работают эскалаторы для спуска (на 3 этаж) не помню даже когда они в последний раз работали, для человека с больным коленом очень тяжело спускаться
Грязно, и воняет помойкой. На 1 этаде за химчисткой помойка, отвратительно, тараканы, грязь, полы грязные. Жаль людей, которые там работают, приходится дышать этим. А в платный туалет вообще зайти невозможно