They sold a rotten chicken. The money was not returned, although I paid with a card and there is a receipt in the bank's application indicating the date, time of purchase and cost. They didn't give me a paper check, so I didn't wait. As it turned out, you can sniff rotten stuff, but you can't return the money by electronic receipt.
A good store, pleasant prices and a diverse range of meat products, separate + fish cutlets 🤗 Close to home, there is not enough choice of vegetables but there are no problems with meat👍
The store is not bad, there is a selection of fresh meat and offal, as well as essential goods.
Of the cons:they reduced the territory, gave it to wildberries, very narrow passages, did not miss each other + added a lot of alcohol right at the entrance, it hurts the eye, I don't want to go in once again.