I had to look for their point in Karcity. Since they moved from the old place. Now their new address in Car city is: 3rd floor , balcony row , 16 boutique. Even their call center didn't know about it for some reason until I informed them. And most importantly, their work schedule is very inconvenient: the point works from 10.00 to 12-00, and from 16-00 to 18-00 hours. from Monday to Friday. It doesn't work on weekends. And only two hours in the morning and afternoon. Below is a photo of their new office.
If you want to go straight to a new point, then you need to enter from the side of Yassawi Street, through the door that can be seen in the photo and their office will be immediately on the left. And if you go through the main entrance, you will have to get lost a lot.
This Car City is like an anthill, a huge number of small boutiques, on top of each other, long narrow aisles, semi-darkness, stale air. It's like walking in some kind of maze.
In general, everything is fine, only once it happened that the parcel was sent to another city, as a result of which the urgent delivery in Kazakhstan turned into seven days