I was there at the SVH and to say that I am glad not to say anything because the place is small , they work for a long time and still need to carry the documents myself to the CTO ,there is a toilet in the 9th entrance , as they say , they do not work on weekends
The attitude is terrible towards drivers, you stand under the fence waiting for unloading for a week, they don't let you into the bathroom, you can cope with natural needs at least under the fence, they don't give you water
Near the entrance through security in rainy weather it is impossible to approach, there are puddles everywhere. The security building itself has not been repaired for a long time. The territory is not marked. Cars are driving around everywhere. There is no organization at all.
Выходные не работает,стоянка вдоль дороги перед въездом,удобств ни каких.Что бы выписать пропуск надо дождаться очереди,при чем кто куда,кто на таможню,погрузку,разгрузку по очереди.По выгрузке на свх вопросов нет.
Стандартная лог площадка, хорошая организация входящего и выходящего транспорта. Достаточность площадей для операционной деятельности или стоянки авто. Наличие ЖД ветки- несомненный плюс. Не плохо бы ЖД переезд починить, а то ТАМ СКОРО ПОДВОДНЫЕ ЛОДКИ ВИДНО БУДЕТ.
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