Мастера не только возвращают природную красоту обесцвеченной ареоле, но и воссоздают отсутствующие (после рака молочной железы) ареолы. Процедура может быть выполнена без оплаты.
600 Br
Микропигментирование кожи головы с целью имитации волосяного покрова. Актульно при очаговой алопеции, коррекции линии роста волос, маскировке шрамов на голове.
205 Br
Маскировка с помощью микропигментирования (или с помощью тату) шрамов, пятен витилиго, растяжек.
Expressing my deep gratitude to the magnificent master and the highest professional in his field - Alla Romazanova!!!
Today I made a permanent lip, my delight simply cannot be described in words.
How much everything is done efficiently, neatly, beautifully. I was very lucky that I got to her.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the administrator Antonina.
Hello everyone. I came to the studio to tattoo the areola of the nipples. Allochka and her team created a miracle for me!!!!. What these masters do is real art. I can definitely say that real professionals work in the studio. In addition, they are also kind-hearted people.
The studio has a wonderful, calm atmosphere. Girls, I've never been better than here.
Many thanks to Alla and her team for helping me become so beautiful and happy. Hurray!!!!
Good afternoon, everyone. I visited Alla Romazanova's studio today, I was very pleased with the atmosphere, comfort, and staff.Special thanks to Ekaterina, who created beauty on my body. I have never met such tenderness before)).