The heads of the doctor Iriskul and the deputy heads of the doctor Aigul have not been taking the phone since the new year. I do not call back. During the work of the heads of doctors, Raushan and Nurtugan tokoy were not present. The chief doctor, Iriskul, is engaged in gynecology and not polyclinic, doctors are constantly changing, waiting for a ticket for a long time, the medical staff is rude and inattentive.. Nurse Dinara's head is full of toys and not patients, there is no responsibility. The head doctor Iriskul does not solve patients' issues and therefore there is no order in the clinic. If you replace the heads of the doctor, there will be order in the clinic.
Thank you, the endocrinologist man brought me to tears with his service! He talked to the fuck off, started to get indignant, to express his problems at me. What do we pay taxes for, so that people like him sit and wipe their 5! That's all. I'm going to take tests for a fee and see a private doctor. I demand a reverse review, otherwise I will raise this topic to the above-lying organs!