The store is within walking distance for residents of the Devyatovka 6 microdistrict. There are enough goods, a variety of dairy and meat. Promotions and presentations are often held. Queues at the ticket offices are frequent, especially during rush hour. But everything is within reason. The staff is friendly. Good luck in implementing new ideas and expanding the range
A good store with a good assortment and prices. If we could also make a normal fish department for freezing, there would be no price for it. There is a small disadvantage - these are problems with fresh bread. But since I don't eat it in practice, I won't lower my grade.
A convenient store with a large assortment. One drawback is the sellers in the fish and baking department. They just aren't there. You need to look around the store for someone to serve you. It happens that there is one price tag, and another at the checkout. They explain that "oh, they didn't have time to change"