We ordered a table in January, with a note to bring it by the beginning of March, and made a 50% prepayment.A week later, they called and said that the table had already arrived (and forced them to pay the second part.As a result, in April they asked to bring the paid table to the apartment.The table turned out to be chipped.The movers are disgusting brutes.Doors were slamming, there was no pen or paper with them.They slammed the door and made us guilty of a table defect.The organization refused to bring a new table, they simply offered a refund.No steps were taken to the meeting in connection with the current situation.Except to pick up a MORE damaged table from the trading floor .
There is a lot of choice, yes, we found what we need. But there were not enough parts for assembly in one chair and that's it, at first they did not answer the calls for a week, then they said they would bring them from the warehouse and call, as you can guess, no one called. With this attitude, there is no desire to buy anything else.