A large beautiful Market with a huge number of goods and sellers, clothes for every taste and color and various customer requests - one and the biggest FAT minus is the Mountain with Parking in general, and for people with limited mobility there is nowhere to get up in Cars with Disabled signs! The only parking space is occupied by any luxury cars, but not by people with Disabilities... I give three stars, the market directorate and the city Administration have something to think about to improve the accessibility of the environment in general and for the Disabled in particular.
The market is normal, there are a lot of tents, but almost the same everywhere, the price is only different, and intrusive sellers, if you don't buy from them, shout barbs after them, somehow not very
Echoes of the 90, constantly local sellers are trying to drag in an aggressive method and sniff something, prices depend on the appearance of the buyer, there is a paid parking nearby, there is nothing to do there
There are some goods that you can't buy anywhere else in the city, it's warm and comfortable, there is a place where you can have a snack, and for every purse
My review is not about the whole market, but specifically about the paid toilet which is located on the ground floor in the Altyn Arman market. The boorish attitude of the staff towards people! The cost of going to the toilet is 40 tenge, having submitted my coins in denominations of 5, 2 and 1 tenge, I was refused to accept them, justified by the fact that "girl, where am I going to put your change??" sorry, coins are not money anymore? Why on earth would the staff choose which money to accept and which not?
And 40 tenge in small change is not such a big mountain of coins that would refuse to provide a service on this basis
A large selection of clothes for all categories of citizens ,from classics to sports ,outerwear , children's shoes ,adult , bedding ,kant goods , near the construction market
A good selection of medium-quality goods, you can park there are places, the staff is as usual and should be in the trade, well, the place is suitable.
Collective farm market this phrase says it all!!!There is absolutely everything there!!!This market is known not only by residents of the entire region, but also by residents of neighboring regions, including Russian ones!!!!
Not long ago we visited this market on the ground floor, food products and so on, different little things, but on the second floor there is nothing at all
I bought summer makassins for 12990.In other stores, their price is 6000.The cheating is complete, I do not advise you to buy anything in this market.Before making purchases.In Altyn Arman, look at the prices in other places.
The cleanest and best market in the city of Petropavlovsk. A wide range of products and affordable prices. Secure and paid Parking. You can buy everything
The market in the center of the city is already a relic of the past years. I hope in the future it will be relocated somewhere longer from the city center and in its place there will be a useful and convenient attraction for citizens and guests of the city
There is only one point where I buy goods (things). I have not been to other boutiques, this applies to things, they still sell products, but this is for an amateur, fish is still possible.
The collective farm market is the central market of our city! Prices are relatively low (rent). You will find any product from clothes to office supplies.You can always eat in a barbecue (lamb, ham, pork) and there is also a dining room.