с двухспальной кроватью, +1000₽ матрасом и печью на двоих
+ Место РАзмещения (№13) – прилегающий участок земли (50 кв.м) с уличными электричеством (до 200 Вт), рукомойником, душем и собственной стоянкой для автотранспорта
1000 ₽1 d
Ресторан "Апацха"
Главные события Вашей жизни – День Рождения, Крещение, Свадьба, Корпоративы – Вы можете отпраздновать в нашем ресторане “Дикоросовъ”. Вместимость зала до 50 человек. Ресторан находится над водой, из него открывается восхитительный панорамный вид н...
600 ₽1 pcs.
Номер стандарт трёхместный в «Доме Творчества»
Трёхместные номера с удобствами (30 кв.м) в «Доме Творчества»
с видом на море и паноРАмным солнцезащитным остеклением и двуспальной кроватью с льняным гречишным матрасом, своим санузлом
пн-чт 7 000₽, пт, вс 7 200₽, сб 7 500₽/сутки
комплект льняног...
We have been to Abkhazia many times, but this place can be safely called solitude with nature, the beach is closed by natural rocks, people are only those who rest in camping, the water is clean, the owner Mikhail is responsive, likes to share the history of this place, small shops nearby (booze, honey, pastries) prices are cheaper than in Gagra), you can order meat, it will be delivered the next day. There are horse riding, local business), lovers of discos and bohemian parties will be bored here, for people with children it's the best!. There are bungalows for those who cannot live without a bed). We slept in tents, there is a shower, sockets too
Everything was comfortable, we stayed with a tent for four days, there was water and an outlet in our place, a wooden table. The car is nearby. There are campgrounds and shops nearby. I was worried that the strange philosophy of "Ra" would greatly affect, I found videos of strange creative events and some kind of walking with torches, a drum and howling at night, but the guests said that this was no longer there and ordinary people were resting 🙃
A heavenly place! I want to spend every weekend there, rather invent a teleport) clean sea, rocks, a comfortable beach and friendly people! All travelers must visit!