I'm shocked by the seller, he's rude. We bought curtains, the price tag is 63 rubles, when paying it turned out to be 70 rubles. The seller said that she does not have time to change prices, although there is not one person in the store.
The store is large, but the selection is small. Even the sellers do not know about half of the products that are presented on the site.
Maintenance for 3-4) (2)
I ordered a wardrobe and chest of drawers on November 11th.There is STILL NO order!!!They said within 30 working days.And as it turned out, from 30 to 60 working days.But no one said anything about it.Yes, it is necessary to read the contract, but it was necessary to warn in advance!They said that the company should send a letter about the delay of the goods.Question:Where is my letter?Where is my product??????