Понадобилась двухспальная кровать Палермо. В магазіне Амімебель не оказалось, но посоветовалі обратіться в отдельное подразделеніе Amihome. Оставіл заказ на сайце, в тот же день поздно вечером перезвонілі, уточнілі более подробно, взялі заказ. Наверное в теченіе месяца прішлось подождать, в ітоге получілі свою кровать с подъемным механізмом прімерно за 500byn (вместо 750, за счет скідкі в черную пятніцу). Прівезлі, водітель помог донесті до подъезда. Упакоўка, інструкцыя па зборке, комплектація на 5 балаў. Якасць матэрыялаў канешне бюджэтная, пусць на 3 балы. У суме даю 4 бала. Дзякуй!
I ordered a mattress and a bed. They promised to deliver it within 10 working days during the order clarification. It's been 10 days. An SMS arrives — the order period has been extended. I'm calling to find out about the deadlines — we don't know anything, but the deadline can be up to 40 working days!!! The mattress is available, the bed is still at the factory.
They don't voice any reasons at all, Julia's manager talks as if you're giving them money!! We don't know anything about all the questions, read the website.
It's a kind of darkness.
This is despite the fact that I made a 100% prepayment — and I can't even name the reason for the increased delivery time.
Before receiving the money, they are so polite — and when you call to find out where the paid goods are, they almost shout, interrupting the customer!