Not a very nice bank, or rather working here. There's nowhere to write to them. The site is not working . There is no mail. Granny is old, she lost her card. According to the passport, they did not give a pension. Brought to tears. She's just out of the hospital. She 's shaking all over .I decided to take my pension. Working in Chkalovsk in this branches are boors. They also threatened with a fine . A fine??? For the fact that the pensioner lost the card. And wait another month ??? Are you out of your mind? The pension is meager, it's a fine and wait two months??! They don't do that anywhere in the bank. With tears , she asked me to give her pension with a passport to her 83 - year - old grandmother . Fear God . You can't behave like that with the older generation. You wait for the same attitude and the time will come to reap the benefits. I ask the authorities to pay attention to the work of such employees who are rude to grandparents , do not know how to behave and behave inappropriately .
The cash register works very strangely - it's all cashless, then it doesn't take cashless. Non-cash payment only with Amonatbank cards. Other cards of banks in Tajikistan are not accepted, although cashless payment means accepting all cards. The complaint book is hidden and it is not given out