The park is large, at the main entrance, the tile has already broken, it's sticking out somewhere, people are stumbling. Curtain fountains are in demand, very interesting and photogenic)
There are different swings, benches, ice cream.
A huge green area, with a small number of benches, as it seemed to us because we were very tired so far. There are attractions with different prices, for small and large, sports grounds, restaurants, a zoo, a boat station.
You can watch swans and ducks by the river. Have a picnic on the grass.
Hello. We walked there many times, leaving only good impressions. There are many different attractions, stalls, and everyone is very polite. It is suitable for families with children, as well as for the elderly and young people.
A long time ago, when it was just a Soviet park of culture and recreation! The most popular attractions were the Surprise attraction and the Ferris Wheel! Now it is a great place to relax for the whole family, a lot of attractions, a beautiful green park, a lot of cafes and restaurants, a wonderful promenade, a clean beach, a petting zoo, fountains, alleys, cozy benches in the shade of trees, green lawns!