1 pcs.Джиппинг, рыбалка, катание на лодках, купание под водопадами, пикник, конные прогулки, арбалетное стрельбище, тарзанка, отдых на гамаках.
3000 ₽
1 pcs.Достопримечательности с. Ачандара. Конные прогулки, «Дерево жизни» - 860 лет, пещера, водопады, рыбалка, купание в горной реке, пикник(шашлыки, сыр, помидоры, огурцы, хлеб, вино, прохладительные напитки).
3000 ₽
1 pcs.Встреча осуществляется: на железнодорожном вокзале г. Адлер и в аэропорту г. Адлер на выходе из зала
Возможны заезды за другими людьми по пути следования маршрута, либо возможен заезд за вами в указанные нами промежутки времени.
Good afternoon. The excursions were a success. On September 15, my husband and I went on an excursion to Lake Rizza + Abkhazian feast - here we gave your agent Ruslan an advance payment, we paid the rest to the guide Ella, everything went well. On September 18, 2024, we also ordered a tour of New Athos + Lykhny village from your travel agent Ruslan - we paid the agent the full cost of the tour + The New Athos cave turned out to be 3800. When the transfer guide Diana came for us (it turned out that your agency, due to a shortage of tourists, transferred us to another travel agency for this tour)she said that we had paid only 600 rubles in advance, contacted your Ruslan - he said that they paid him only 600 rubles. When we gave the eiu 3800, he did not write out any check, despite our insistent requests-there is no check, I do not issue anything, was his answer. Thus, we gave 3,800 for this tour to agent Ruslan + 1400-for the Athos caves + 1800-transferred to the guide Diana. Total 7000 rubles. It turned out to be an expensive tour.,
We took an individual tour along the adjusted route of the New Athos - Geghi waterfall - Ritsa.
Our driver-guide Adgur coped with his task perfectly! Despite the volume of the program, there is no rush! And we drank coffee on the sand, and had lunch in a restaurant with a great view and managed to visit all the locations.
The Ritsa disappointed with its built-up tents and cafes. The lake looks like a hedgehog from catamarans. There is no trace of natural beauty left. But this is a question for the caretakers of the nature park itself.
The location of the boxwood forest (on request) is simply magnificent!
The Geghi waterfall is powerful and beautiful!
We managed to visit New Athos in the early morning without bumping into a bunch of people, for which we are grateful to Adgur, it is also good, especially the deserted road through the park to the Cell of Simon Kananit.
We visited excursions in Chernihiv and Sukhum on an individual request. We rested at the Chalet hotel in Gudauta, came to Maxim Gaidar's yoga tour. We were promptly given an excellent comfortable Minivan with a tour guide driver at the Antar agency, which exceeded all our expectations! Cultured, pleasant, humorous, with a wide range of knowledge and accommodating! He waited for us with patience at all our souvenir shopping points, although for us women, it can be delayed. We were lucky with the driver! Thanks to the tour organizers and the agency! We were very happy and impressed with our trip! Thank you very much!