A great place for a relaxing vacation. There are few guests, especially with children. Pleasant and customer-oriented staff. Everything is there. You can eat on your own - there is a store nearby, although with a small assortment of goods, but this is enough. Tanya and Lena can also feed you delicious local dishes. Beer, lemonades, ice cream can be bought here or in the store. It is 25 steps to the store. By the way, glass containers can be rented for 0.5 euros if you bought a drink from them.
You can rent: bicycles, SAP BOARDS, boat rides and jet skis.
Of the disadvantages: moving from point A to point B only by taxi or rented car. The bus is running, but its schedule does not match yours. We waited at the bus station for 4 hours. This bus is similar to our minibus - old, smelly, stuffy and usually with an elderly driver. The pricing for the ticket is unclear whether 1.5 or 2 euros. Many people come in, throw 1 euro (although they go to the final one) and go to take a seat.
The store has a small selection of products.
It is unpleasant to move on foot or by bike due to the lack of a curb or sidewalk, and every car driver gets a real pleasure to drive as close to you as possible, almost hitting you with a mirror.