"I contacted the Aport at Bauyrzhan Momyshuly Avenue, 19. I was satisfied with the quality of service. The staff is polite and helpful, helped with the selection of the product. Pleasant atmosphere in the store. I recommend it!"
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I recently applied to the Aport pawnshop and was incredibly satisfied! I was particularly impressed with their offer to buy phones and laptops for a high price — the prices turned out to be significantly higher than I expected. The gold and jewelry were really fairly valued, and when it came to selling televisions and various appliances, I was impressed not only by the competitive prices, but also by the constant support through special promotions. Low interest rates on loans have made the process as comfortable and transparent as possible. The atmosphere in the office was friendly, the staff showed professionalism and care. Now I know exactly where to turn when you need to sell valuable items quickly and profitably!
The jewelry was well appreciated and offered an adequate price, the money was given out quickly. Promptly and efficiently serviced. The consultant was kind and polite.