Самовсасывающие насосы для бассейнов Saci Bombas (Испания);
Pentair Water (Бельгия), Hayward/Kripsol (Испания); Emaux (Китай).Насосы для противотоков, систем гидромассажа, водопадов и пр.
Good digging helped with the work and they gave a lot of advice to really professionals in their field and I want to thank the staff for their responsiveness and positivity. It's been 4 months now, everything is fine. Thanks guys
I bought a Eurolos septic tank from AQUA TECHNOLOGIES. I bought the cleaning system at a bargain price, delivered it to the site, and the installation was turnkey. The septic tank works fine, there are no complaints.
I contacted Aqua Technology to install a water supply system. I received competent advice, prompt departure of an engineer and high-quality installation. Satisfied.