It's a terrible place, avoid it!
We came to celebrate the end of the year, sing songs and dance. After the first shots, most had a complete or partial blackout, few people remember anything. In the end, they billed a person who was unable to assess the situation, and naturally paid in silence. The bill is for an absurdly huge amount, because as it turned out later, according to the receipt: there is a certain entrance fee (no one warned about it), the songs are paid (no one warned about it either), simple shots turned into some kind of exclusive expensive ones in the receipt, as well as items that are separate for themselves one of the people who left earlier has already paid.
In general, it's creepy. It's clear that they didn't see the locals tipsy and decided to cash in. Shame on you! You're the reason the Armenians have such a bad reputation!
In general, do not order alcohol for anything - it is not known what will happen to you and what the bill will be.
As for karaoke, not all the songs are played, in a strange order, no one says who when why how. The contingent is strange.