Well, this place is very difficult to call a Botanical garden, and it's hard to call it a park! More house landscaping!
But the garbage ships are on the lawn, there are "Pig People" here
There are no shops, you will find a variety of trees in the city more than here!
Sadness and sadness
I expected the best... They recommended how real the botanical garden and arboretum are... I came to the place... and I just found a tree planting, not very well-groomed, there was garbage on the uncut grass... And the passage there from the center is almost blocked by "road and communal" works
One name, not a botanical garden. A green area with trees. There are no signs, no benches. Nothing. While walking around the city, you meet more different trees than here. It is impossible to call this place a botanical garden.
There is definitely no point in visiting this place specifically as a Botanical garden. This green zone was created as an arboretum of the Agrarian University in the 1970s. At that time, many rare trees and shrubs for the city really appeared here. In the 90s, there were even information signs with their botanical names under some trees, and excursions took place.
Currently, here, except that it is convenient to walk slowly along the paths with a baby stroller in the shade. Work on the improvement and development of this green zone is not visible from the university. This is strange because the university has an agricultural profile. There are no benches, so that, as they say, you don't have to clean up the garbage in the morning once again.
A very cozy park. A wide variety of trees. We walked with the plant identifier and replenished our knowledge. In the evening, we watched a family of night owls, saw hedgehogs. This park is the decoration of Akademgorodok.
A wonderful garden. It's beautiful here in winter and summer. There is almost no garbage. It's good to walk here or go for a run. Fresh air. In general, it's great
I live near this park. Sometimes I go out with my husband in the evening. Trees on a hot day create a wonderful shade zone, and how beautiful it is in winter when snow falls! Well, the trees and shrubs themselves are such a variety!
Nice garden, lots of ornamental trees. Pedestrian paths on the level, a lot of strolling people, moms with kids. It's just a pity that there's nowhere to sit down!
I always walk in this park, at any time of the year the park is nice and clean. The park is small, but there are so many birds and different trees here.
A small park, nothing special. There is a student canteen on the territory, you can go in for a meal in two for 10p, do not take citrus compote (it is not delicious at all).
there are many different plants, one of them is the silver loch and it is not a plant, but we who came here hoping to see the botanical garden, sit, chat. unfortunately, there is not a single shop, not a single trash can, there is nothing here, the "botanical garden" can be passed in 3 minutes. I do not advise you to go here, it is not worth a minute, an ordinary square
There are almost no benches . Elderly people and those with small children do not even have a place to sit down . In general, there are very few benches for the elderly in the city
A good square, parents with children, elderly people, young people are walking, but it is necessary to update, not just cut down and uproot old trees, plant young ones in their place, otherwise in the near future only stumps will remain from the square as in your stadium.
Красивый ботанический сад. Как же приятно, когда в городе выходиш прогулятся и приятно пахнет осенью, листвой. И сражу акунаешся в атмосферу леса. Спасибо, что у нас есть такие места где приятно отдохнуть.
В дендрарии произрастает около 90 видов деревьев и кустарников, среди которых не только местная фауна, но и представители с других континентов: ель колючая, дуб красный, яблоня китайская, клен Гиннала, хеномелес японский, сумак пушистый, лох серебристый, сосна кедровая сибирская, жимолость татарская и другие. Среди животных, кроме типичных для города представителей из класса птиц - вороны, голубя, воробья и прочих, в дендрарии также встречаются белка, сова, зимой - снегирь.
Сов я лично не видел, но слышал. Летом в вечернее и ночное время птенцы издают характерный громкий звук, который слышно на достаточно большом расстоянии. Студентам, живущим в общежитиях, стоящих прямо на территории дендрария, не повезло в этом плане:)
The arboretum? Well, it's a tin, how bent! Forest belt. No more. There is no landscaping at all. The university does not look and does not care. There is no light at night, only around the perimeter.
One of the few green spots in Grodno. Clean, well-groomed, but not a single bench, not a single trash can and burning through one fanari in the evening.
Нужно запретить выгул собак в парке, установить скамейки и освещение.
Очень много старых деревьев вырублено, повалено ветром.
Необходимо возобновлять новыми редкими породами деревьев. Но эта работа не ведётся.