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Приветствуем! Мы – команда художников ARTGAME. Бoлee 210 проектов и 18.000 м² реализовано нашей командой только лишь за 2024 год в Шымкенте и Астане.
Цена складывается из сложности и масштаба рисунка.
Стоимость начинается ОТ 10.000 тг за 1 м²
I would like to express my deep gratitude to your team of artists for their excellent wall painting work! From the very beginning of the collaboration, everything was at the highest level: from discussing sketches and choosing a color palette to the very process of work. The artists were punctual, professional and very attentive to details. The result is simply incredible! Now my apartment looks completely new, stylish and cozy. Thank you for your creativity and high quality of execution! I will definitely recommend you to my friends.