Many thanks to Artpanel for the high-quality gypsum panels that created incredible beauty on the terrace of our country house. The volume was large, and small adjustments had to be made in the process. Yana and Ekaterina, the responsive specialists of Artpanel, advised us at every stage and met all our requests, for which thank you very much! It's a pleasure to deal with professionals! We will definitely contact you again.
I've already got two orders and I'm getting ready to make a third one. Everything is great here - from the service to the variety of panels themselves. If you have a house and you need accent walls, this is a great option for adequate money.
Hello, I ordered the Paraline Light panels here, from the very beginning of the correspondence, they accurately calculated the number of panels I needed, advised the craftsmen and auxiliary materials for gluing them. The panels are very high quality and perfectly glued. Thank you!❤