Very affordable at prices, a fairly wide assortment is conveniently located in a not very large supermarket and everything is always fresh, only fish and meat look tired, but there is a very good butcher shop nearby. A good range of toys and products for home and personal hygiene, again at low prices, this pleases. There are no prices lower than in this store anywhere in the area. Of the minuses, I would like to note the location of the grocery department on the second floor - it is difficult to carry food and drinks down the stairs, as well as long queues. But in general, if you do not go during rush hour, you can very profitably buy food, vegetables and much more
A good large store, prices are adequate, but you need to look at the products, there are broken receipts, muesli with worms, sour milk, but this is very rare, the products were always changed without any problems.
A very good store, wholesale prices, the assortment is always almost fresh, there are both household departments and a vegetable store, everything is convenient in one building, even draught drinks