Когда необходимо посещать детского врача-офтальмолога?
О проблемах со зрением у детей можно узнать по ряду косвенных признаков: малыш постоянно трет глаза, часто щурится и, как будто бы пытается убрать какую-то помеху, смотрит боком, малыш подноси...
12000 ₸
Хирургия катаракты
Операции выполняются амбулаторно, а срок восстановления 2 – 5 дней, с наблюдением в клинике. В течение одной-двух недель пациент полностью возвращается к нормальной жизни.
Замена хрусталика может потребоваться даже если он абсолютно прозрачен с ц...
205000 ₸
Лазерная коррекция зрения
Если вы не хотите или не можете носить очки или контактные линзы из-за образа жизни или из-за особенностей профессии, лазерная коррекция зрения остается самым оптимальным вариантом.
Процедура весьма безопасна, проводится в течение 10-15 минут, дл...
220000 ₸
Хирургическая коррекция зрения
При высокой степени миопии, астигматизма, тонкой или неправильной роговице, а также прочих случаях, не позволяющих провести лазерную коррекцию зрения, для возвращения способности видеть мир с нужной четкостью, пациенту может быть назначена имплант...
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Astana Vision for their hard work and patience. I did the operation StreamLight FRK on 30.01.2025, thanks to Chelekenov Miras Serikovich, everything went well and well. The service is wonderful. I recommend that all people do not postpone their eyesight for later, but do it here and today. As they say, "Bye to glasses and lenses"))) Thank you very much!!!
The operation was painless, I would like to mention the staff, manager Polina supported me mentally, she was very pleasant, she didn't see me during the operation either, but it was nice when the nurse took my hands and physically supported me by stroking me so that I relaxed.
I would like to suggest that during the waiting period, as the patients sit and worry, the staff who walk by said soothing things, it was not very pleasant to sit in silence. also, after the operation, I consider it right to spend at least the first 3 hours of rehabilitation in the clinic itself under the supervision of doctors (day hospital) and also provide and introduce special glasses that are flexible and closed from all sides from the light for each patient, since it was impossible to sleep in their sunglasses, they put a lot of pressure on the partition, which caused pain and discomfort, I think that for such an amount a lot of things can be provided and should be included in the price so that the patient feels comfortable.
The postoperative check-up should also be free for a year, so that we understand that we are really being taken care of and there is a guarantee that our eyesight will be restored for a long time.
In general, I thank you for the work done, and I hope that everyone's opinion will be taken into account.
I heard about this clinic through an acquaintance. Of course, at first I was afraid. But көргенде when I saw the atmosphere here, the reception of patients, their professional skills, my fears dissipated and I became more confident. I really liked that they explained everything to the details and worked in a coherent way, expressing their suggestions! He is a professional in his field. I was satisfied with the service at the highest level! Thank you very much!