О проблемах со зрением у детей можно узнать по ряду косвенных признаков: малыш постоянно трет глаза, часто щурится и, как будто бы пытается убрать какую-то помеху, смотрит боком, малыш подносит предметы (картинки, кубики, игрушки) очень близко к г...
15000 ₸
Комплексное обследование зрения
Методы проверки зрения в офтальмологии
Рефрактометрию (анализ сетчатки);
Визометрию (определение остроты зрения);
Тонометрию (измерение внутриглазного давления);
Периметрию (исследование поля зрения).Глазные заболевания опасны тем, что при множ...
15000 ₸
Лазерная коррекция зрения
Хирургическая операция c применением лазерных технологий для коррекции проблем зрения в ситуациях с миопией, астигматизмом, пресбиопией и гиперметропией.
My mother had surgery on both eyes with a time interval, she is happy. The doctor Abdrakhmanov operated. I took off one star for a long wait to undergo the necessary preoperative procedures. It would be much more convenient if the patient came at the appointed time allocated for all these procedures without waiting, so to speak, a green corridor was provided. Moreover, if this patient is of an age group, my mother was very tired of it and was not very willing to do it the second time. And it's so great that there is such a polyclinic in Shymkent with such good doctors.
I underwent laser vision correction at the Astana Vision clinic and was very satisfied. The procedure was quick and painless, and the doctors were professional. I noticed an improvement in vision, thanks to the doctor Pak Elena YurievnaI recommend it!
Mom was at an appointment at your clinic, she was satisfied, but. The Yandex and Tugis websites say that you work on Saturday until 17.00. I was there today, I came to get a list of examinations for a commercial operation. But the clinic is empty. A big request from the administration, please forward that you do not work on Saturdays either. Minus 2 stars for incorrect information on social networks