Disgusting! I brought to sew the elastic band of the trousers in the waist and hem the palazzo trousers. As a result, they said that it was necessary to sew in the hips, although the trousers, I remind you, were palazzo (by the way, in the next atelier they just shortened the elastic band in my belt as I wanted and sincerely did not understand why there were so many difficulties with suturing). In general, they said that it would be ready in a week...and whatever you think, the trousers were not ready, the seamstress did not apologize much, laughed, said something like "well, it happens", come back in a week. OK, I'm here...drum roll...they are not ready again, it is not necessary to say that I did not hear any sincere apologies, but this time she at least took them out of the package and thanks for that. In addition, entering the room, I passed two smoking women, one of them was a seamstress and she didn't even bother to throw a fucking cigarette and go to her workplace, but just waited until I stood like a fool in an empty back room of the atelier and went back to the exit! In general, if you like a bestial attitude, failure to fulfill your obligations and lack of any responsibility, then yes, you are here))
P.S. Of course I took the trousers, because it's the bottom under the bottom
A terrible atelier. I was asked to shorten my blouse and blouse. An overlap of fabric was made in the front of the blouse in the center, thereby not aligning the edges. The sweater is even worse - two crooked seams, in waves, it feels like a child was working on a sewing machine. How could this be done abruptly? In addition, the distance between the two seams is different. Things are ruined. I do not recommend contacting this studio.