Well, let's start.
This young man clearly did not turn out to be an auto electrician (
A car of the notorious Volkswagen brand was given away, I would even say a rather popular car with the problem of twitching while driving. This problem was not mechanical (the car stopped seeing the crankshaft sensor at the moment).
This would-be master was required to figure out what the matter was. A lot of money was invested. He swapped the Bosch tandem pump for some kind of hat (in simple words, used in good quality in good condition for used in poor quality in normal condition) under the pretext that the pump was giving out a pressure slightly lower than the prescribed one (checking the pump showed that it was in good condition).
He also recommended changing the booster pump in the tank (the old one was fully operational).
At the same time, he bought several engine control units (first one, then another), moreover, more than one unit did not fit this car (the block numbers did not match the original), and in appearance, both from the outside and from the inside, the blocks were completely different.
Having disassembled and ugly soldered the original block, he crookedly slanted the firmware first into one block, then into the second, but for some reason the car did not go (each time he kept saying that the blocks were burning, but the most interesting thing is that the blocks are completely alive)
After each action, the car did not leave for a long time and drove to he is facing the same problem.
This individual reviewed all the wiring in the engine compartment (not all, as it turned out later), he was given more than 1,000 rubles, moreover, without a receipt, the company suffered good losses on a simple car (the car stood for a month in the parking lot near DOSAAF)
A separate story of collaboration with Bosch service, this is generally space, bravo Serega)
There, they charged us more than 1000 rubles for REMOVING the INSTALLATION of injectors, although by the look of the valve cover (namely the old sealant on it) I'm not sure at all that they were checked, but maybe it's for the best, fewer crooked hands have been there)
As a result, I couldn't stand it, I took the car from this car healer, without demanding anything from him, but in vain (
The car was saved in three days, the problem was in the bare wiring in the engine compartment, and in the curved engine blocks with dead firmware (I had to roughly write the firmware for this car from scratch)
By the way, a person has an extremely high opinion of himself, it is clear that he is very self-confident, but this is not good, it is absolutely unpleasant to communicate with a person because of this)
In general, think many times before taking your car to this genius of engineering)
Всем привет! Я из Минска и никогда не ремонтировался на сто в маленьких городах, но по воле случая будучи на работе в Минске мне позвонила жена и сказала что машина не заводится и она стоит около универмага в Жодино. С её рассказа я предположил, что дело в электрике. Сказал ей загуглить электрика и вызвать эвакуатор. Попала она в данную мастерсую. Вопрос стоял в нахождении того, почему не срабатывает стартер. Оказался минусовой провод. Заменили и всё заработало.
Говорить о том хорошая это мастерская или нет Я не буду, но то что в очередной раз я убеждаюсь, чт Жодино неадекватно дорогой город это точно. 120 руб. За что??? За сервис в гаражном варианте. За три дня до этого у меня у самого случилась поломка на моём авто и мне пришлось вызывать эвакуатор из Минска, потому что в Жодино он оказался на 30% дороже. Я привёз машину на фирменную станцию Пежо. Где была проведена диагностика 25 руб. + Ремонт проводки в обмотке ДВС 71руб.+ Расходные материалы 4руб.
Ну почему так дорого в Жодино???
Мало того что в Жодино нет дорог, от слова совсем, так и цены на всё берут с потолка.