Attention!!! A CON ARTIST is WORKING!!!
He named the drugs that are needed. The saleswoman left and brought a package. She offered to pay. He paid with a card, took the package and left. I came home and began to sort out the packages, I look there instead of what I asked for - there is another drug. And not at all about what I asked for. Moreover, the price difference between the drug that I asked for and the one that she put in is AS MUCH AS 10 TIMES MORE. 3.5 lari, against 37 lari. It's my fault that I didn't double-check, it's my fault that I didn't pay attention to the bill right away, and of course I shouldn't have gone to the Pharmacy on Sunday, because the next day everything I bought already cost 2 times cheaper. Nevertheless, I have never encountered this in PSP or GPC, on the contrary, the staff always advise themselves, always tell me how to make purchases more profitable, and I do not remember once that they did not bring and show the packaging at least once, clarified exactly what I needed and only then punched on the cash register. I've never gone to Aversi, it turned out that way in itself, I didn't understand what I went to now. The first experience was immediately negative.