Fraud with price tags, there is one price on the price tag (less), and another (more) in the receipt. It's useless to talk to sellers, there are no culprits. The store is dirty, the compartments to put the bags do not work, the doors are turned to the wall, you have to leave your things on the windowsill. There are few employees, only one cash register is always open, even though there is a queue of 15-20 people.
There is never anyone at the checkout, there are no price tags, or the price does not match, I am silent about the eternal unpleasant odors in the store and dirty floors
There are never any small things, these are the problems of the store and not the customers, queues of 20 people, the goods are often overdue, in particular there is no milk control, the children are stealing and bragging about who stole how much, spoiled products are piled up, I go there only now for bread and eggs, I buy the rest in neighboring stores-in the same atb, for you, meat(((