Disgusting car wash, as I want, so I set my own rules, it's called. Trucks climb up without waiting in line and everyone proves that this is the norm. When asked where it is indicated and written that it is for cargo, everyone fell silent and pretended not to hear the question!
One vacuum cleaner does not work, the second one pulls weakly. There is no normal water pressure: it does not wash the car. The machine does not accept tokens everywhere, and therefore they offer to purchase a card for 5 rubles and put money on it for use. And why do I need a map if I'm passing through the city??? There is no detergent quality: replace! It used to be much better. The bonus is 1 point for the watchman, who will tell you if necessary, and it would be 1🌟. The car wash URGENTLY needs maintenance. Fix it: we pay our money for quality!
A good car wash, the man there is very kind, helped to wash the car, there is a payment by car wash card (purchased) and coins, you can change them. I recommend a car wash.