I was so glad when I saw that the self-service car wash had been opened! But. I came to wash the car, there were no complex contaminants, dust. The foam failed. I'm shocked. How could the active foam not wash away the simple dust???They gave her a second chance today. We arrived in another car, the usual dirt does not wash off, we had to wipe it with a rag. Salt will definitely not take in winter! CHANGE THE ACTIVE FOAM!
I am glad that there is such a sink in Cherven now.
The pressure was normal. The cost of 1 minute is 1.5 rubles. I managed to wash the car for 5 rubles (shampoo + water, washed off with warm water and turbo water). The pause seems to be free.
Unfortunately, foam was not available during my visit. It was also temporarily impossible to pay with a card. I hope everything will be fixed.
Вельмі не кепска. Знаходзіцца у файным месцы, каля трасы. Амаль увесь функцыянал аплаты працуе, акрамя аплаты карткай, але гэта мабыць пакуль. Пена, воск і напор вады не кепскія,